Tag: steps

February 2019 update: Emerging from hibernation and some swords

February goes by fast doesn’t it? I feel like it’s only been a few days since I was doing my January update. I like February though. The days are starting to stretch out and get warmer. In fact it turns out that we had the warmest February day since records began in the 1600s. Crumbs.…

By Caveman March 7, 2019 8

January 2019 update: Did I undersell my goals?

I’m not one of those people that hates January. For a lot of folks it’s the toughest month of the year. I entirely get that. Heck, my wife totally feels like that. Christmas has gone but the credit card bills have to be paid. The weather’s cold, wet, and generally pretty awful. Everyone seems to…

By Caveman February 7, 2019 12