Author: Caveman

Looking to ditch the cave and live a happier life

Morning routines are for losers (except for my one) – how normal people can create a morning routine that works for them

All the cool kids have a morning routine right? It seems like the advice from CEOs, celebrities,athletes – in fact everyone who is (or wants to be) successful – including the girls and boys of the FIRE world – is to have a morning routine. Until the start of the year I didn’t get morning…

By Caveman November 26, 2018 8

The only stages of Financial Independence post you’ll need ever (except for all the other ones)

So this is the last in my initial triptych of posts about my finances (with a little diversion via the shadow of the valley of death). I’m warning you now it is an absolute beast. So grab a drink and found yourself somewhere comfortable to sit. Money isn’t the focus of what I’m looking for,…

By Caveman November 20, 2018 14

For tomorrow we shall die! (But alas we never do)

I’m old enough to remember when the Poems on the Underground first started. They were little pockets of surprise interspersed between adverts for cold remedies and time shares (yeah they were a big thing back in the day). They were short poems, or snippets of poems,designed to make you smile, or think, or just distract…

By Caveman November 15, 2018 13

My incredibly fluffy financial goals and why I want to buy time

In my last post I put out my reasons for not tracking finances and the rules I follow instead. As I said at the end of that I realised that I should explain what effect that was having. I’m nothing if not a man of my word [Ed: “So you’re nothing then”. Caveman: “Rude. Anyway…

By Caveman November 12, 2018 6